
The sum of three positive integers is 18 and their product is 210. If the smallest of the integers is 5, what are the remaining two integers.

Accepted Solution

Answer:The remaining numbers are 7 and 6. Step-by-step explanation:Given:The sum of three positive integers =18 Their product is 210.  The smallest of the integers is 5To find:The other two integers=?Solution:Let the other two numbers be a, b Now, sum of three numbers = 18 sum of two numbers + 5 = 18 a + b = 18 – 5 a + b = 13.............................. (1) And, product of 3 numbers = 210 a x b x 5 = 210 a x b = 42................................(2) Now, as a and b are positive integers a and b values should be lesser than 13 and greater than 5 as given that 5 is the smallest of 3 numbers. so a x b = 42 a x b = 7 x 6  So, by comparison a = 7 and b = 6.  Let us check it with equation (1) 7 + 6 = 13 13 = 13  Hence, the remaining numbers are 7 and 6.